Monday, February 12, 2007


Here are the first three. Suggestions or questions about beer, send me an email. If you think there's an inside story behind one of the beers, or you have an inside story yourself that you need to share, write me. Here they are. Thanks for dropping by...

Amsterdamse Bio Tripel
Brewed in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and brought to the Republic of Kamuning in January 2007 by the generous Maia B.

8%, full-bodied, robust complex flavor, with an aroma that matches its play on the palate. This is beer that is meant to be sipped, munched and savored. It's so full-bodied it feels like you're drinking cake. Great at 6PM or at 9AM and obviously for lunch as well... I had my Zatte with mild Irish cheese from Jenggay. If you live in the Philippines, this beer is best consumed slightly cool (not too much; you might lose the complexity). You have to look for this beer in Amsterdam if you want to taste it, but the search is worth it. I know the place actually, and it doesn't take much effort. Do yourself a favor beer friend. List this beer down.

Giganten Robuust Bier
Beer from the Netherlands bought at and consumed in Brugges, Belgium in 2001.

10%, strong and okay body but the flavor is not as robust and memorable as a beer with such strength could be, which was a let-down considering the interest I took in the beer's name... I was with the Toasters when I had this Gulpener with real Belgian fries (a good beer friend double-fried in hot oil and then much, much hotter oil; externally extremely crisp yet soft inside). Best at room temperature in the cool continent.

Young's Honey Beer
Brewed at the Ram Brewery in London, brought to me in Diliman by Anita Goldsmith in 2001.

5%, the finish is really interesting -- honey that's neither too rough on the palate or cloying. The finish is lager and honey. It's a different experience. I've tasted only two or three honey beers and this one was quite good compared to the others. The idea alone makes you smile -- and I've tasted mead -- and it was a pleasure to drink this beer during a lazy afternoon. I couldn't find good chow to go with it though but it was ok on its own in a glass. But that's about it -- I wouldn't get one again, or if I did it would only be to give family or friends a taste of honey beer or to test again which food will go well with it -- or maybe ten more reasons which I can rack up if needed... And yes, the name's very British -- delightful -- unfortunately, so is the strength of the beer (weak...). Beautiful amber bottle. #


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